Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Organizing For America

Today, I went to an Organizing For America meeting at the Kalamazoo County Democratic Headquarters.  At the meeting, I, along with several other supporters of President Barack Obama, were able to watch the official premiere of the president's campaign website directed at young voters,, via a live stream from the University of Pennsylvania.  At the actual event, there were several speakers, including the campaign manager of President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, Jim Messina, and the mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter.  The topics addressed were the President's and his administration's political views and actions on health care reform, educational reform, and unemployment.

While watching the live stream, one could witness the enthusiasm and the excitement among the supporters of President Obama at the premiere.  After every speaker told their story or answered a question, the crowd erupted in applause.  The premiere also allowed many people, especially university students, voice their concerns or opinion about health care reform, educational reform, and unemployment.

After the premiere ended, one of the workers for Organizing For America gave me and several other people attending the meeting information on internships for Organizing For America.  Overall, it was a great day!

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